Saturday, 27 November 2010

Stellar Pelargonium 'Edward's Finn'

Stellar Pelargonium Edward's Finn
I first saw Edward's Finn in Australia several years ago.  It is a double stellar pelargonium with the most beautiful pink flowers on a compact plant.  It was hybridised by Marj. Edwards of Victoria, Australia.  She has a pelargonium nursery and has hybridised many lovely plants.  Sadly not many of them are available here in the U.K.  Marj. said that this is the only double flowered stellar she has produced, and she named it for Jill Finn who used to own a pelargonium nursery in Australia.  I did bring a cutting back of this one, so maybe one day it will be available for sale here. Four years ago I attended the South Australia Pelargonium Society show and there was a really good plant of Edward's Finn on display.
South Australia Pelargonium Society Show, 2006

Last summer a friend and I stayed at a B & B in Norfolk, and knowing of my interest in plants, when we left after our four day stay the owner handed me a cutting of a plant she herself had been given.  She said the person who gave it to her did not know what it was, and neither did she.   The cutting rooted, and grew into a really lovely plant - gold leaves with red stems. The leaves are stiff and have a bristly feel to them, but the square stems are quite velvety.  I found out it is Plectranthus ciliatus "Easy Gold" and originates in the southern hemisphere.   It seems to grow sideways, and on a visit to Wisley in the summer I saw it grown as ground cover in the glasshouse.  I think I might try it in a hanging pot next summer.   It does flower - the name Plectranthus is from the Greek, meaning 'spur' which refers to the spur at the end of the flower. You need to look really closely at the small flowers to appreciate their beauty - palest blue and speckled with darker spots.  

Plectranthus ciliatus 'Easy Gold'

I can recommend the Norfolk B & B - you will be given a very warm welcome.  Comfortable rooms and a wonderful breakfast.  It was the second time I have stayed there and will certainly return.

1 comment:

  1. its beautifull .. well i love pelargoniums and i am having different varieties of them . .but i am looking for more f some1 is intrested in helping me to find thm plx cntct
    thanku. .


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