Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Stellar Pelargonium "Pat Hannam" - and my seedlings

Stellar Pelargonium "Pat Hannam"

This Stellar Pelargonium was introduced in 2001 by the late Brian West through Fibrex Nurseries.  It has very pale pink single flowers with dark veining to each petal.

My own seedlings have recently been potted on and I am quite pleased with how they are looking.   The red leaves are because we had a slight  frost one night that I was not prepared for. It's not a problem as I will remove them and new leaves will grow again.   In fact, it's not a bad thing to remove a few leaves as it allows more air to the plant to avoid botrytis.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Regal Pelargonium 'Hindoo' and a frosty night.

"Hindoo" Regal pelargoniumAdd caption
The Regal Pelargonium ‘Hindoo’ was introduced by a Mr. Tomkins of Australia in 1952.  The flowers are a bright maroon red with darker veining  and  slight dark blotch to the upper petals. 

We had our first hard frost on Friday night, and Saturday was a really cold day.  I do have the bubble wrap up inside the greenhouse, but only on the sides as the weather has been so mild.  This is to allow as much light as possible to the plants.  When the  frost was forecast I covered over the plants with fleece and the plants looked quite happy when I removed it.   Once we start to get to the really cold  nights I will put bubble wrap up in the top of the greenhouses, and will need to have heaters on at night.