Friday 29 March 2013


"Claydon" - dwarf zonal pelargonium

Hybridised by the late Ray Bidwell of Suffolk, "Claydon" is a compact dwarf zonal pelargonium with double lilac pink flowers and dark leaves with a darker zone.  Ray Bidwell lived in Suffolk and named many of his varieties after local villages.   He introduced many miniature and dwarf varieties which are still available today.

Thursday 21 March 2013


Silver Glitter - miniature bi-coloured stellar

"Silver Glitter" is a miniature silver bi coloured stellar pelargonium with double white flowers which are speckled and splashed with bright red.    This is another pelargonium hybridised  by the late Brian West and is a cross between Chelsea Star and Pidford.  "Silver Glitter" was released through Warrenorth Pelargoniums.

Silver bi-coloured leaves of "Silver Glitter"

Despite it now being officially spring, we still have very low light levels and cold weather here in the UK and my pelargoniums, like those of many other growers here, are very late in making any growth this year.     The forecast for the rest of the month is not good either, although we are getting the odd bright day.  I've been potting on and re-potting some of my plants this week.  The plants certainly do appreciate the new compost around their roots.  

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Simple Sister - Angel Pelargonium

Simple Sister - Angel Pelargonium
When this Angel Pelargonium is in flower in my greenhouse, it always makes me smile. And they just seem to smile back.  The flower are small and single, very floriferous and with bright lavender pink markings on paler pink petals.  The leaves have a slight citrus scent.  Simple Sister is hybridised by Jay Kapac and can be obtained from Gosbrook Pelargoniums.

If you've not already done so, take a look at the website of The Pelargonium & Geranium Society -  for news, articles, reviews and members' forum.  Or find us on Facebook.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Quantock Perfection - a stunning Angel Pelargonium

Angel Perlargonium "Quantock Perfection"
Isn't this a gorgeous flower?    Beautiful frilled dark pink upper petals and paler lower petals, "Quantock Perfection" is a stunning Angel Perlargonium and one which always catches the eye in my greenhouse when it is in flower.   "Quantock Perfection" was hybridised by the well known Angels hybridiser Ken Dymond who has introduced so many of these lovely pelargoniums.    This is, I think, one of his best and indeed, it was awarded the BEGS* Gold Certificate in 2007.  

Quantock Perfection - Angel Pelargoniuim

If I thought last winter was bad, this winter has been even worse. My plants have been very slow to come into growth due to the cold and lack of light.   I usually give my zonal pelargoniums a boost with a high nitrogen feed in mid-February when I can first see some new growth.  Not this year though.  I have only just spotted the first signs of new growth this last week, so I will be giving the plants their annual boost this week.   They only get the one feed of high nitrogen – I don’t want my plants to have huge leaves!

*BEGS (The British & European Geranium Society) with The British Pelargonium & Geranium Society merged at the beginning of 2009 to become The Pelargonium and Geranium Society (PAGS).   Take a look at their new website: