Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Popular Paton's Unique

 Paton's Unique
Unique pelargoniums are species hybrids. They are shrubby woody stemmed pelargoniums with lobed leaves which are often slightly scented.  As do most Uniques, Paton's Unique can grow quite large, so will need lots of pruning and shaping.   Paton’s Unique was introduced in 1890 and is still popular today.  The plant is very free flowering - my second photo shows the plant exhibited in the last B.P.G.S. Show at Capel Manor in 2008.   Paton's Unique has deep rose pink petals fading to pale pink/white in the centre and paler edges to the petals, which is most attractive.  The leaves are deeply lobed and with a slightly pungent scent.
I find that it grows well in a tub outside in the summer, but as with all the pelargonium family, it must be cut back and moved into frost-free conditions before the cold winter months set in. 

Despite the fine weather we have had recently, I have frustratingly been unable to get out in the garden due to other commitments.  I did spend some time watering and grooming the pelargoniums in the greenhouses on Sunday.  This was a long overdue task and they all look a lot perkier now.  I tend to keep my pelargoniums quite dry during the winter months and at this time of year I forget that the sun warms the greenhouses up quite a lot and the plants dry out much quicker than they would have done a month ago. 


  1. Hi Gwen
    The man says did you grow that plant exhibited at Capel Manor or is it one of his - lol


  2. Must be Ken's plant , definitely not one of mine. Didn't want to commit to a name in case I got it wrong, since I don't have it written down - and there is no award shown on the bench. Probably took photo before judging!

  3. Beautiful. I love bicolored pelargoniums. Your plant looks so healthy. Do you prune them to avoid naked legs?

  4. Są piękne i jakie duże. Ja niestety nie mam nie mam szklarnii i tym samym możliwości mieć własne sadzonki. Mam jednak sprawdzonego ogrodnika u którego kupuję sadzonki do skrzynek na balkonie i do ogródka. Pozdrawiam


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