Monday, 23 April 2012

Miniature zonal pelargonium "Baby Brocade"

Miniature zonal pelargonium "Baby Brocade"
"Baby Brocade" has the most delicious soft pink petals which shade to a white centre on semi-double flowers.
It was introduced in the USA in 1975.   This one that I have has the word 'original' after its name.  There seems to be more than one "Baby Brocade" since it does 'sport' to a flower with a more solid colour.  

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Scented Leaf Pelargonium 'Imperial Butterfly' and an award

Imperial Butterfly

For growers of pelargoniums, 'Imperial Butterfly' is one of the best.   It has large white blooms with maroon feathering on all petals.   The leaves have a slight lemon scent and is listed under 'Scented Pelargoniums' in the catalogues.   It was hybridised by Gwen Dodge who crossed a 'Prince of Orange'  (a scented leaf pelargonium) seedling back to its parent.  Ken Dymond, well know hybridiser of Angel pelargoniums, told me that 'Imperial Butterfly' was first exhibited at the Portsmouth Club Show which was being judged by the late Peter Godwin, for many years President of the British Pelargonium & Geranium Society.  John Thorpe's nursery introduced 'Imperial Butterfly' in 1989 as an Angel Pelargonium, but when he discovered the breeding he said it should be listed and exhibited as a Scented Pelargonium.

My photograph was taken at the last B.P.G.S. show at Capel Manor and was first in it's class for scented pelargoniums.  I think it was probably grown by Ken Abel.

Anyone reading the comments on my last blog ('Carolyn's Citrine') will have seen that Ali of awarded me the following award:-

Thank you very much Ali.

Now I have to tell you seven 'interesting' things about me:-

1.  I have two greenhouses filled with pelargoniums of all types
2.  I share a half size allotment with my younger son
3.  My three sisters all live in Australia
4.  I am Show Secretary for my local Gardening Club
5.  I like to cook.
6.  I love reading, particularly crime novels
7.  I am membership Secretary for The Pelargonium & Geranium Society 

I award the Versatile Blogger award to the following Blogs

Monday, 2 April 2012

P. cordifolium "Carolyn's Citrine"

P. cordifolium "Carolyn's Citrine"
Isn't this absolutely gorgeous?   It really is the brightest of pelargoniums.  Large well marked pink upper petals, very narrow lower petals of the palest pink, and large yellow leaves with a small light green blotch on the older leaves. Carolyn's Citrine is a sport of P. cordifolium, but the flowers and leaves are much larger, with a velvety softness to the leaves, which just glow in the sunshine. I saw this growing at Robin Parer's nursery, Geraniaceae, in Marin County, California.   Sadly, it is not available for sale yet as breeder's rights are being sought.  Hopefully we will soon be able to purchase this stunning pelargonium.