Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Stellar Pelargonium "Pat Hannam" - and my seedlings

Stellar Pelargonium "Pat Hannam"

This Stellar Pelargonium was introduced in 2001 by the late Brian West through Fibrex Nurseries.  It has very pale pink single flowers with dark veining to each petal.

My own seedlings have recently been potted on and I am quite pleased with how they are looking.   The red leaves are because we had a slight  frost one night that I was not prepared for. It's not a problem as I will remove them and new leaves will grow again.   In fact, it's not a bad thing to remove a few leaves as it allows more air to the plant to avoid botrytis.

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Regal Pelargonium 'Hindoo' and a frosty night.

"Hindoo" Regal pelargoniumAdd caption
The Regal Pelargonium ‘Hindoo’ was introduced by a Mr. Tomkins of Australia in 1952.  The flowers are a bright maroon red with darker veining  and  slight dark blotch to the upper petals. 

We had our first hard frost on Friday night, and Saturday was a really cold day.  I do have the bubble wrap up inside the greenhouse, but only on the sides as the weather has been so mild.  This is to allow as much light as possible to the plants.  When the  frost was forecast I covered over the plants with fleece and the plants looked quite happy when I removed it.   Once we start to get to the really cold  nights I will put bubble wrap up in the top of the greenhouses, and will need to have heaters on at night.  

Sunday, 30 November 2014

'Berylette' - Miniature Zonal Pelargonium

Miniature zonal pelargonium 'Berylette'
Originating in Australia and introduced by Ted Both before 195, 'Berylette' is a miniature zonal pelargonium. The flowers are double white flushed with pink, which contrast nicely against the dark green foliage.  I find if the weather is not sunny, or the plant is growing in a shaded area, the flowers are a slightly darker pink.

Miniature zonal pelargonium 'Berylette'

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Regal Pelargonium "Fareham"

"Fareham" Regal Pelargonium

With large flowers on a bushy and compact plant, Regal Pelargonium “Fareham” is a truly regal pelargonium. The flowers are a beautiful and brilliant deep royal purple with a lilac picotee edge.  “Fareham” was introduced by a Mr Pearce circa 1987.

"Fareham" Regal Pelargonium

I've just potted on my own seedlings from this year's seed.  Of the 18, some are 'bee' crosses, and some are my own.  I still have more seed to sow, but will wait until the beginning of next year to sow them now.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Miniature Zonal Pelargonium - "Brightwell"

Miniature Zonal Pelargonium - "Brightwell"
I have to admit that I have a fondness for miniature pelargoniums, and "Brightwell"  is one of my favourites although it's not in my collection at the present time.   A seedling from P. "Anna", Ray Bidwell introduced "Brightwell" in 1972.  It has double deep pink flowers set against green unzoned leaves.

My photograph as taken at Fibrex Nurseries

Monday, 13 October 2014

"Dibbinsdale" - Dwarf zonal pelargonium

Dwarf Zonal pelargonium "Dibbinsdale"

A dwarf zonal pelargonium, "Dibbinsdale" has double deep pink flowers which are very striking.  The leaves are green with a very feint zone.   Ken Lea introduced this in around 1992.

Although the weather here in the UK has been mild for the month of October, I am concious that it could suddenly 'turn'.  We have had one frost already, albeit very slight.  As today was forecast to be very wet, as is the rest of the week, I managed to get one of my greenhouses bubble wrapped yesterday.   It's a long process involving removing all plants and other items; giving the whole greenhouse a thorough sweep through and wash down all surfaces and glass with a Jeyes Fluid solution. Once dry, all plants are then replaced, at the same time removing all flowers and any yellow leaves.  It took me most of the day, but it all looks very spick and span - for the moment!    One more greenhouse to tackle when we have a dry day.

Monday, 6 October 2014

"Royal Sovereign" - Dwarf Zonal Pelargonium

"Royal Sovereign" - Dwarf zonal pelargonium
I’ve had this one in my collection for a few years now.   Royal Sovereign has magenta red flowers with contrast well with the lime green well zoned leaves.   This was introduced in 1967 by Peat and is said to be a cross between ‘Medallion’ and an unknown pelargonium.    I find it easy to grown and cuttings usually take well.   

Monday, 15 September 2014

Bi-Coloured leaf zonal pelargonium "Mrs Mappin"

Bi-Coloured leaf zonal pelargonium "Mrs Mappin"

"Mrs Mappin" is beautiful! -   She has single flowers of the palest pink with slightly darker ‘eye’.  She is a  zonal pelargonium and her leaves are silver and green bi-coloured.  She stands tall and proud in the greenhouse. 

Bi-Coloured zonal pelargonium "Mrs Mappin"

"Mrs Mappin" was introduced circa 1988 in John Thorpe’s catalogue.   Sometimes in catalogues she is referred to as "Mrs J Mappin".  Does anyone know who Mrs Mappin was/is?

Leaves of "Mrs Mappin"

Friday, 5 September 2014

"Little Alice" Dwarf Zonal Pelargonium & A Visit to a Show in Toronto

"Little Alice" Dwarf zonal pelargonium
I have had "Little Alice" in my collection almost since I first began to collect pelargoniums.  This dwarf zonal pelargonium produces an abundance of bright salmon/orange double flowers.  The leaves are a well zoned dark green.  Little Alice is a good exhibition plant as it has a naturally compact and bushy habit.   Introduced in the UK by Ken Lea in the late 1980’s.

Last month I attended the Annual Show in Toronto of  the Geranium, Pelargonium & Fuchsia Society of Ontario with Sandy Connerley and Jean Hausermann.   The Show was held at the Toronto Botanical Gardens and  was well attended by exhibitors, members and visitors.  Here are a few photo’s I took of the Show.   Many thanks to all the members of the Society for making us so welcome.