Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Eskay Ruby - celebrating another journey

Last weekend Brian and I celebrated our wedding anniversary, so my second celebratory pelargonium is the Angel, Eskay Ruby, hybridised by Des Glover. This is a fairly recent introduction, but frustratingly I have been unable to establish exactly when Des introduced this one. I love the contrast of the ruby red petals very finely edged in white with the very clearly defined white throat.

Earlier this month the village Gardening Club held their second annual show in the delightful garden of one of our members.  It was a huge success with double the entries we had for our first show last year. 

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Pelargonium "Joy" to celebrate a journey

Decorative Regal - "Joy"
Today marks the date of my very first Blog.  The past year has been a very pleasant journey and I have learned a lot.  Hence I am featuring the Decorative Regal Pelargonium "Joy" as I have really enjoyed my Blogging experience. I can't say it has always been 'joyful' as it has been frustrating at times trying to find information on the various plants.  But, this is a cheerful Regal pelargonium and sort of sums up the past year as an experience I have enjoyed and I am amazed at the number of followers I now have, and I have to say you all look a very cheerful bunch.  Thank you for following.

I have to admit I don't have the Decorative Regal Pelargonium "Joy", as you will know, they are not my favourites. My photograph was taken at RHS Wisley where the plant was part of their excellent pelargonium display earlier this year. 

"Joy" was introduced in the U.S.A. by R. Schmidt in the mid 1950's.  The small flowers are most attractive with their white throat and white edged frilled petals.

Monday, 15 August 2011

My new Stellar Pelargonium, or Grandad Mac's babies

New double stellar pelargonium
I'm feeling quite excited.  You may recall that at the beginning of this year I sowed some pelargonium seed I had saved from last year.  These were all 'bee crosses', i.e. a bee had buzzed from one plant to another in the greenhouse spreading pollen about.   At first I was quite disappointed with the results as most did not germinate.  However I did have three very strong growing short jointed stellars from 'Grandad Mac'.  I have written about 'Grandad Mac' in the past.  It was hybridised by the late Brian West and is a dark peach coloured semi double stellar. The leaves are typically star shaped with  a dark blotch and light green edge.   All of the three new stellar seedlings have the dark blotch of 'Grandad Mac', but the flowers on the first one to flower are double and a bright orangey red.  There is a flower about to open on a second plant and the flowers look as if they will be the same colour.  Of the third, there is no sign of any flowers yet.  

Leaves of new stellar pelargonium
Pelargonium Grandad Mac
Enthused by my success with the 'Grandad Mac' seeds I sowed more seed a couple of weeks ago.  All Angel pelargoniums, but some from a scented pelargonium and also from a Unique.  Only a  few of the seeds I sowed germinated, but those that did are now potted on. By far the strongest looking seedling are those of the Unique "San Francisco".

San Francisco seedlings

Friday, 12 August 2011

Jip's Twink - A charming miniature Ivy Leaf Pelargonium

Jips Twink - ivy leaf pelargonium
 Jips Twink is the most charming of miniature ivy leaf pelargoniums.   It has a compact growth with double pale pink flowers.  The leaves are variegated with a yellow edge.  Jips Twink was hybridised by Tony Burgess and introduced in the UK in 2007.   It is definitely one of my favourite ivy leaf plants.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Zonal Pelargonium "Silver Wings"

Bi-coloured silver leaf pelargonium "Silver Wings"
Single very pale lavender flowers on a dwarf bi-coloured silver leaf plant, "Silver Wings" in full flower is a stunning plant.   Hybridised by the late Neville West, brother of the late Brian West who hybridised so many of the modern pelargoniums.  It was  Neville who introduced his brother Brian to hybridising pelargoniums.  "Silver Wings" was introduced around 1985.

It seems appropriate that I feature Pelargonium "Silver Wings"as I have recently returned from a fantastic two weeks holiday to California.  I went to visit my friend Sandy, who had arranged the most amazing trip to visit so many other pelargonium growers.  It was so nice to meet up with pelargonium enthusiasts I had met before, and many others I have corresponded with and others I had known of but never met.   Everyone was so kind and welcoming and I had the most wonderful time.

When I left home at the end of  June the garden was very green.  On my return it was almost a blaze of colour.  Needless to say, there were a lot of weeds which I have been slowly clearing.  My husband had very kindly watered the greenhouses and pots.

I was  dreading visiting the allotment, but was pleasantly surprised at how few weeds there were and how well the vegetables had fared.  My grandson (5 years), younger son and I dug a row of potatoes, and lifted the onions. 

Tuesday is the day of the village Garden Club second Annual Show.  I took on the position of Show Secretary so have been busy with last minute preparations for the show.  Monday is the day the Entries have to be in so I hope there will be a steady stream of visitors to my door.