Thursday 18 August 2011

Pelargonium "Joy" to celebrate a journey

Decorative Regal - "Joy"
Today marks the date of my very first Blog.  The past year has been a very pleasant journey and I have learned a lot.  Hence I am featuring the Decorative Regal Pelargonium "Joy" as I have really enjoyed my Blogging experience. I can't say it has always been 'joyful' as it has been frustrating at times trying to find information on the various plants.  But, this is a cheerful Regal pelargonium and sort of sums up the past year as an experience I have enjoyed and I am amazed at the number of followers I now have, and I have to say you all look a very cheerful bunch.  Thank you for following.

I have to admit I don't have the Decorative Regal Pelargonium "Joy", as you will know, they are not my favourites. My photograph was taken at RHS Wisley where the plant was part of their excellent pelargonium display earlier this year. 

"Joy" was introduced in the U.S.A. by R. Schmidt in the mid 1950's.  The small flowers are most attractive with their white throat and white edged frilled petals.


  1. Jest śliczna. U mnie ciągłe deszcze bardzo zniszczyły rosnące w skrzynkach na balkonie pelargonie.Az smutno patrzeć :-(. Pozdrawiam

  2. Sorry about your rain Giga - hope it does not do too much damage to your plants.


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