My friend Anne, from Sweden, and I were invited to stay for the weekend at Fibrex Nurseries, where the Pelargonium & Geranium Society (PAGS) were once again holding their Annual National Show. Anne arrived here on a Wednesday evening, and we travelled up to Fibrex together the next day. We spent Friday helping the staff at the nursery get ready for the show - setting up tables and chairs, sweeping out glasshouses, and trying not to get in the way.
I had 'volunteered' Anne to Steward at the show. This is something I like to do and as we were short of Stewards, I volunteered her. She was very happy to do this and as I thought, felt it was a great experience to see how the judges here judge the plants. So very early - 8.15 am - we were both in the show tent ready for the judging to start at 8.30. Basically, a Steward, usually two, goes around with a judge to assist and to take the award tickets to the Show Secretary's desk for the marks to be collated. I find it very interesting. You can learn a lot from the judge and I have certainly gained a lot from the experience over the years.