Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Dwarf Zonal Pelargonium "Natalie" and Fibrex Nursery at Hampton Court Flower Show

I love the delicate colour of Natalie.   A dwarf zonal pelargonium and introduced through Sulman's nursery in 2000.   The flowers are the palest apricot colour and edged with white.

Hampton Court Flower show 2017 was not the best I am sorry to say.  The Flower Marquee was up to its usual high standard, but the rest of the show was rather poor.  The Show Gardens were dotted about all over the place, the Rose Marquee and Foral Display marquees were half the size they have been in the past.  There seems to me there were a lot more food stands than usual - at least three areas seemed to be dedicated to food.   Even the Home and Garden marquee was smaller than usual, and the food section was much smaller.  I think this was possibly because there was, apparently, a marquee dedicated to food, but we did not find it.  The signage seemed to be severely lacking and we did not find anywhere to purchase a Guide, apart from, as the loudspeakers told us several times, we could have got one as we came in.  I think it would have been a good idea to have other places selling them.   All that apart, Sue and I enjoyed our day.   I met up with friends from Sweden and a friend from Cornwall and pelargonium cuttings were exchanged.  Sue and I did buy plants for our gardens - I got a blue salvia, an agapanthus and a red and yellow achillea.  Also, some Martagon Lily seeds, which I now find will take five years at least to flower - oh well!    Would I go again - you bet!

Here are a few photo's of Fibrex Nursery's Gold Medal stand: