Saturday 23 February 2013

Dibbinsdale - Dwarf zonal pelargonium

Dwarf Zonal pelargonium "Dibbinsdale"

Hybridised by Ken Lea, UK, "Dibbinsdale" was introduced about 1962.   "Dibbinsdale" is a beautiful dwarf zonal pelargonium with double deep pink flowers.    One of my favourites, although not in my collection now.

Dwarf Zonal pelargonium "Dibbinsdale

I’ve been taking a few more cuttings – mostly Angels as they are growing away nicely just now in the greenhouse.  Sadly, not all, but a lot of the cuttings I took just earlier in the year did not root at all, although oddly they looked OK, but on close inspection the stems in the plugs were beginning to rot.  Although they were in the heated propagator, I think it was just too cold at night and too warm during the day in the conservatory, even with the heat off.   At this time of year, cuttings can be a tricky business.     

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Pelargonium grandiflorum

Pelargonium grandiflorum

Although a shrubby and straggling plant, P. grandiflorum has attractive and  unusual flowers.   The upper petals are large and can vary in colour from a creamy-white to pink, or purple with darker feathering.  The lower three petals are thinner, oval in shape and a pale pink to cream with a purple streak.    The stems are almost hairless with glaucus, sometimes zoned, palmate leaves.

Introduced into England in 1794 by Francis Masson, P. grandiflorum  is found naturally in the mountainous regions of the south-western Cape Province.

Leaves of  P. grandiflorum