Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Angel Madame Layal and sowing vegetable seeds

Angel Pelargonium 'Madame Layal'
First catalogued in France around 1890, Pelargonium ' Madame Layal' was originally regarded as a miniature Regal Pelargonium.  It was introduced into the UK in 1976 and is now regarded as an Angel pelargonium.  This is a pansy type pelargonium, with purple and light mauve flowers, the dark blotch on the upper petals is outlined in white.  It has a short stocky growth habit. 

I have been sowing vegetable seeds over the weekend.   I started parsnips off last year in the cardboard inside of toilet rolls.  Two or three seeds to each filled inner roll and gradually thinned to one to each cardboard roll.  When the plant looked large enough and roots appearing through the cardboard I planted them out at the recommend spacing.  So easy - there was no difficulty thinning the seedlings and the cardboard roll just rotted away as the parsnips grew.  I had a very good crop.    So, no reason not to do the same this year.  I am trying a few carrots this way as well.  I also sowed beetroot seeds in modules as demonstrated by Monty Don on Gardner's World.  However, he put several seeds into each module as he said he liked to pull the beetrrot when very small.  I have sown just one seed to each module and will plant them closer together and use the smaller ones first and let the others grow on.

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