Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Pale pink Angel

Mrs G H Smith
Introduced in about 1940, this is a compact and bushy angel pelargonium.  The flowers are a pale pink with deeper pink markings. 

Mr Arthur Langley-Smith, a retired headmaster from Catford in London, is credited with producing the early angel pelargoniums. He named and released the first angel variety ‘Catford Belle, in 1935 and this variety is still available today.   Mrs G H Smith was named after his wife and is also still available today.  The scented pelargonium P. crispum,  a lemon scented pelargonium is probably one of the plants he used in his crossings.  Many of the angel pelargoniums have scented leaves.

My photograph was taken at Fibrex Pelargoniums, home of the National Collection  of Pelargoniums.

Cuttings I took when we came back from France now show signs of roots, so I must soon pot them up.   Cuttings potted up at the same time are all looking very good.

I made the most of the very mild weather we are having just now and spent the morning in the garden emptying two of my compost bins.  Some I spread some around the garden and the rest is left in a heap to spread later. 

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