Thursday 9 September 2010

Which class?


Ashby is a bit of a puzzle  - it was originally thought of as a scented pelargonium because of the scented leaves, and exhibited as such.   However, the plant is more like an Unique Pelargonium, has a much larger flower than most of the Scented Pelargoniums, and grows quite tall if not pruned back. It does make a very nice bushy plant.   In the Pelargonium Register Ashby is listed as Species Derived i.e. not fitting into any of the main pelargonium family, but 'showing a close relationship to the species from which they have been derived'.   Hybridised by Annie Popperwell and introduced in 2000.

It's been a busy week - and today I have been cleaning, grooming and watering the plants in my second greenhouse.  I've also taken some of the pelargoniums growing in pots outside that I want to keep, back inside the greenhouse.  With the rain we have had this week they are looking quite sad and a bit soggy.   I looked them all over very carefully to make sure there was no sign of rust on them, and will continued to check for several days.  I've been very fortunate not have had rust in the greenhouses for a few years now, although I have noticed it on some new plants that I have bought in.   I always make sure I keep any new plants separate for a few days.

I'm off to Wisley Gardens tomorrow - they have their annual flower show and there will be lots of plant stalls.  Sadly not pelargoniums at this time of year.   It's always nice to visit and I love the new glasshouse.

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