Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Trailing treasure

Pelargonium trfidum
This is a new plant for me this year - I spotted Pelargonium trifidum growing in a hanging pot at Woottens of Wenhaston Nursery when I was there in June.  It was most attractive and I could not resist one for myself!   This is a tuberous-rooted species from the eastern region of Cape Province in South Africa.   The leaves, which are trifoliate, have a pungent scent when touched, some find it unpleasant, but I have not found it so.  The flowers are a delicate cream colour with veining on the top two petals, and always three to each stem.

P. trfidum in hanging pot

It's a busy week this week - we will be away on Friday for two weeks, so there is much to do both indoors, in the garden and in the greenhouse.  I am beginning to panic about leaving the greenhouses!

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