Friday, 20 August 2010

A Special Day

Not a lot happening today - it is my wedding anniversary and B and I have been out for a pub lunch!

Robin's Unique

My photo today is of another plant that is flowering profusely in the conservatory at the moment, and has been for most of the summer.   She seems to love the heat and bright light.

Uniques are mostly tall and shrubby plants, ideally suited to growing outside in the summer.  Robin's Unique is much smaller and suited to a windowsill, or a small hanging pot, since it is a low and spreading plant.   The flowers are small and dark red/pink with attractive veining on the two upper petals. It is quite difficult to take cuttings of this one because every stem has a flower.  Diana Hull hybridised this in about 1980.  The leaves have a faint scent, said to be of almonds, but I can't detect that myself!   This plant is sometimes listed as 'Robin'.

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