Wednesday, 28 March 2018

"Gosport" - Gold leaf pelargonium and sowing seeds

"Gosport" is another beautiful pelargonium raised by the late Brian West from the Isle of Wight, UK.  This is a dwarf gold leaf pelargonium, the leaves having a light bronze zone.  The flowers are single, white and speckled and splashed with red.

A month ago I decided to sow some of my collected pelargonium seeds.   Most of them have germinated, and one even has the true leaves showing.  I started the seeds off on damp paper towels placed inside Petri dishes having first sliced a minute piece from the bottom edge of each seed.   Most were germinated in four days, but as you will see from the photograph, there are three that have yet to start growing.  I will give those a few more days and see what happens.   After I could see the seed had a root I gently placed each one into a small coir plug.  These are kept in my small heated propagator, which I keep in the conservatory.  I will keep you updated on their progress.


  1. They are beautiful and it is worth giving a chance to seeds. Maybe all sprout. Peaceful Easter.

  2. "Gosport" is gorgeous. I really don't know much about all the many different types of Pelargoniums (or geraniums!) but a good friend of mine is president (I think) of a pelargonium club here in Ontario. he has beautiful specimens.


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