Monday, 5 March 2018

Pelargonium longicaule - species pelargonium

P. longicaule
A friend in South Africa kindly sent me some seed of Pelargonium longicaule that grows in her garden.  She had seen my reference on one of the Facebook pages to P. trifidum that I grow in a hanging pot and said that P. longicaule also grows well in a hanging pot.  You can see my 2010 blog about P. trifidum here

The seeds arrived with me in about June or July last year and I sowed them immediately.  Only one germinated and this was quickly grown on and is now a fairly large and sprawling plant.   I was delighted to spot a flower on my plant this morning.

Diana Miller, in her book Pelargoniums, says that the first reference to this plant is in 1767 when it was described as a form of P.myrrhifolium but there has been much confusion about the nomenclature of this section.  Found growing in mountainous regions of south-western Cape Province, P. longicaule is a low growing and spreading plant with white to pale pink flowers, often tinged yellow in bud.

I am looking forward to growing this in a hanging pot this year.


  1. That is exciting indeed. Looking forward to seeing it in it’s hanging pot 😊

  2. The leaves are different than in our geraniums, but the flower is similar. Regards.

  3. Lovely one ☺ I hope all is well with your plants after this storm and snow.Mine got greenfly while under covers.😕But that's all ,thanks goodness.

    1. As far as I can see my plants all look OK, just need to find some time to tidy them up. I have spotted a few whitefly, but not many. I need to get the Neem oil out! We had -10C here one night!

  4. I love hanging pots my friend!

    this flower made it's way in your pot so nicely!
    how sweet of your friend to sent you such lovely gift


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