Friday, 1 April 2011

Pelargonium cordifolium - and some garden flowers

Pelargonium cordifolium has to be one of the most exotic looking pelargoniums.    Although the flowers are only about 3/4" (or 2cm), they are most unusual with the two pink larger upper petal attractively curved back slightly and with the usual darker feathered markings.  The three lower petals are paler in colour and are much thinner.  The leaves are an attractive grey/green and heart shaped, which is what gives Pelargonium cordifolium its name - heart-leaved pelargonium.

Found growing mainly near the coast of South Africa,  P. cordifolium was introduced into the UK by Frederick Masson in 1774.

Described as being spreading and branched, I find P. cordifolium tends to grow straight upwards without much branching and so needs frequent pinching to get a bushy shape.   It grows naturally in moist areas, so does need watering more often.   Easy to strike from cuttings.


Flowers in the garden this week:-

Magnolia stellata



Double muscari
Physocarpus opulifolius "Dart's Gold"





  1. I've lost two of these. Will remember to plant the third one, where I will water it more often. And to take cuttings. They do get leggy. Autumn here, time to cut back and spread the bits around to fill the gaps.

  2. I agree, that's a very unusual pelargonium, almost like an orchid. Where do you get them? I just bought two regal pelargoniums at a nursery today, they are irresistible when in bloom:). I didn't realize how many other flowers you have, your garden looks lovely.

  3. Yes, Masha, I always think it is rather like an orchid. I get my plants from a specialist pelargonium nursery here in the UK. Sadly they are becoming few and far between now.

    I guess you grow your's outside Elephant's Eye -they must make a magnificent specimen growing unrestricted in the ground.

  4. Your flower pics are beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more. Have a great week!...Heidi

  5. I'm glad I found someone who shares same passion for pelargoniums. I would not imagine my garden without them. I will read more from your previous articles about some species still unknown to me.


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