Tuesday, 21 December 2010

A Gardener's Wife

Angel Pelargonium 'Sarah Don'

Named for Sarah, wife of Monty Don who we learn is to return as presenter of Gardener's World  in the New Year.   When 'Sarah Don' was first introduced by David Clark of Oakleigh Nursery, Near Winchester, Hampshire, several years ago, it caused a bit of a stir, being a bi-coloured leaf Angel Pelargonium.    Proceeds from the sale of the plant went to a charity.   David Clark was well known  for hybridising and introducing Regal pelargoniums with the prefix 'Monkwood' after his local village.  

Our snowy weather continues, although here in the south-east we have had a slight thaw today and outside it has become rather 'slushy'.  I took the opportunity to open the greenhouse doors for an hour or so at lunchtime.  Another hard frost is forecast tonight, with more snow tomorrow.   

Underneath the snow I have growing Brussels sprouts, leeks, parsnips, celeriac, chard, and garlic for next year.

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