Saturday, 17 October 2015

Zonal Pelargonium "Ursula Key" and a holiday

Ursula Key – named for one of the owners of Fibrex Nurseries and introduced by Sam Peat before 1969.  This dwarf zonal pelargonium has coral-salmon double flowers with an attractive white reverse to the petals.  The leaves are gold coloured with a chestnut zone which is darker towards the centre of the leaf.

My sister from Australia  has been visiting for three weeks and during her stay we went to Fibrex Nurseries. Most of the plants had been cut back for the winter, so the National Collection house looked rather sad.  However, many of the species were still in flower. There were still plants for sale in the sales house.  It was interesting to see the nursery being 'put to bed'.   My sister was able to take many photographs for the Facebook Page of the South Australian Geranium and Pelargonium Society and their own website.

Plants for sale still

Getting ready for next year

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