Saturday, 31 October 2015

Stellar Pelargonium "Kelly Brougham" and a visit to RHS Gardens, Wisley

A miniature gold leaf stellar raised by Brian West and introduced through Sulman’s Nursery.  The double flowers are a very pale pink, almost white in colour.  This is a cross between Mini Diane and Arctic Glitter.

The following are some photo’s taken at our visit to RHS Gardens, Wisley last weekend.

This is Melasequoia glyptostroboide - a cyprus from Central China -

- which has wonderful and fascinating bark

A view across the pond

Nerine's in the Glasshouse - most were nearly over, but I found these looking good.

Just two pelargoniums in the Glasshouse - P. ionidiflorum

P. transvaalense

Cactus and succulent displays

 Beautiful ferns unfolding


 Some views across the gardens

The Alpine House


I would love to hear your comments about my "ramblings".