Monday, 3 March 2014

Rockwell Sophie - Gold leaf Angel Pelargonium

Angel Pelargonium "Rockwell Sophie"
This is a new plant to me - I was given a cutting last year, and it has yet to flower.   "Rockwell Sophie" was introduced in 2010 by M.Darch,   My photograph was taken last year at Fibrex Nurseries.  The lower flowers of "Rockwell Sophie" are a dark pink with a hint of mauve and a dark blotch and with darker upper petals.  What makes this Angel Pelargonium stand out are the leaves - an unusual bright golden colour which do not fade or darken over the year.

1 comment:

  1. Kolejna piękna pelargonia. Pozdrawiam.
    Another beautiful geranium. Yours.


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