Wednesday, 26 March 2014

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY 26/03/14 -" White Mesh" - Ivy Leaf Pelargonium


  1. Very nice mesh. We lost this plant in our Ivy collector circle. We've been on the alert trying to find it for at least three years. Now, that I see what we are looking for in character, color etc... I will look at my unknowns this season. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Cynthia: Ask Jerry - a neighbour of his might still have it. He thought my flower colour was darker, but I thought could just be light levels. . My pic. wsa taken at Fibrex Nursery where they have the National Collection of Pelargoniums.

    2. I have got the pink flower white mesh leaves is there other colours about in the uk

    3. Look for Crocodile which has dark pink flowers and Roller's Pioneer which has burgundy flowers. Check out Fibrex Nurseries.


I would love to hear your comments about my "ramblings".