Saturday, 15 March 2014

Wirral Sunlight -Golden tri-colour zonal pelargonium

Golden tri-coloured zonal "Wirral Sunlight"

Introduced by Ken Lea, "Wirral Sunlight" is a golden tri-coloured zonal pelargonium.  At this time of year, the coloured leaves are always at their best.

Ken Lea has introduced several pelargoniums with the pre-fix 'Wirral' which is a peninsula in North West England, close to Liverpool. The River Dee is to the West, forming a boundary with Wales, and on the East is the River Mersey and the North is the Irish Sea.  The area is often referred to as The Wirral.

Golden tri-coloured leaves of "Wirral Sunlight"

Photographs were taken by me at Fibrex Nurseries

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