Monday, 2 October 2017

Gold leaf dwarf zonal pelargonium "Mimi"

Dwarf gold leaf zonal pelargonium "Mimi"
I came across this plant last year at The Pelargonium & Geranium Society's AGM where we have a small sale of plants/cuttings donated by members to help boost our funds.  This one immediately caught my eye because of the gold leaves and, as it was a cutting and not in flower,I had no idea what the flowers looked like.  I was thrilled when it did flower to find they were the most delightful shade of pink.

"Mimi" was raised by Sam Peat before 1984.   It has double powder pink flowers that have a paler pink reverse to the petals, all set against gold leaves.

I've been busy in the greenhouses and garden for the past six weeks or so.  The bubblewrap is up and I have cut most of my pelargoniums right back.   Cuttings have been taken and many of them potted up.  I am hoping to finish potting up those last remaining few before the end of the week.  The reason for all this activity?  I am off to Australia shortly to visit my family there.   When I am there I will be helping with the South Australia Geranium & Pelargonium Society Inc Annual Show and plant sale.  This is a two day event and very popular.   The plant sale is Huge.  I will post pictures of the show and sale next month.

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