Saturday, 7 January 2017

"Bembridge" - Dwarf Zonal Pelargonium

The dwarf zonal pelargonium "Bembridge", has pretty soft pink double flowers above zoned gold foliage.   It has a spreading growth habit.   Raised by the late Brian West (IoW, UK) and introduced before 1991.   

Bembridge is a small village on the Isle of Wight.  Brian often used the names of local villages for his raisings.

It's a fairly quiet time in the greenhouses now.  We have had some heavy frosts and I have had heaters on over night and a couple of nights also covered the plants with fleece for extra protection.

January is a good time to sow pelargonium seeds to give the plants a chance of flowering this year.

                                                                                                                     Gwen Ward

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