Friday 5 June 2015

'Crockoday" - Ivy Leaf Pelargonium - and Club cuttings update.

Crocoday - Ivy leaf pelargonium

I spotted this in Allwoods catalogue last year and added it to my small order.  I am rather fond of Ivy Leaf pelargoniums, particularly if they are short jointed and grow in a mannerly way.   This one does and has become a favourite.
On checking the Pelargonium Register I see that, although it is listed, there is no description.  It does say it was introduced  in the UK before 1988 by 'Day'.
As you will see, the flowers are a beautifully bright lilac colour with splash of white in the centre of the petals. The leaves are bright green with light veining.  I have the plant in a 41/2" pot and it has been flowering profusely for the past month (Note to Self: Pot up soon into 5" pot").   Sadly I dropped the pot (as one does from time to time!) and broke off two stems.  This has, however, offered the opportunity for two cuttings which are looking good so far.

The Farnborough Fuchsia & Pelargonium Society Club Cuttings which I have been growing on since I got them last February, have put on a huge growth spurt.  They are flowering really well and I am sure you can now see what plant they are.  Officially we are not told the name until after the show.  It always amazes me at the difference there is in all the plants.  We are all given a cutting of the same plant taken at the same time. I am just hoping the flowers stay on until the Show, which is on Saturday 6th June.   If you are in the area, do pop along and see us.  

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