Monday, 24 February 2014

Little Gem - Scented Leaf Pelargonium

In the dark chilly days of winter the scented pelargoniums come into their own.  No flowers I admit then, but pick one up and you are immediately transported to balmy summer days.    One of my favourites is Little Gem. This is a dwarf plant with abundant small deep rose-lavender flowers in summer.  The leaves are greyish green and incised and said to have the scent of oil of turpentine, but I find it quite pleasant and mild.  Little Gem is possibly a P.graveolens derivative and was introduced by Cannell's Nursery in the UK in 1910.


  1. Podobają mi się bardzo płatki w różnych kolorach. Pozdrawiam.
    I like very petals in various colors. Yours.

  2. Such a beautiful pink. :)


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