Tuesday 6 March 2012

'Carmel' - single zonal pelargonium

Zonal pelargonium "Carmel"

An old variety, 'Carmel' was introduced by Wm. Schmidt in the U.S.A. in 1939.  It has the most exquisite single flowers of white edged with a dark pink.  'Carmel' is a sport from 'Alice of Vincennes' which is a single zonal perlargonium with flowers that have a white centre with violet crimson to scarlet edge.

I've been re-potting some of my pelargoniums that have been in their pots for over a year.  It gives them a boost to have fresh compost.  Also potting on the few that I have left after the disaster earlier this year when I knocked a large tray of cuttings onto the floor and threw most of them away as pots, labels and cuttings were all over the greenhouse floor.  I don't like to have plants that I have no idea of the name and not prepared to wait for them to flower.


  1. I can relate to not that kind of disaster. The first time it happens, you say ok, I'll wait it out. In my case it was wind that blew a bunch if my iris that could be planted in a section of the garden. But when cutting were relocated to the garage floor, they became compost.
    Great site, Gwen.

  2. Sorry to hear about the iris Mary. It's not quite so bad if the disaster is caster by 'nature', but walking backwards into a tray I knew was there - not good!! I hope you were able to get more iris at the nursery. I love them!


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