Saturday, 31 December 2011

Abba - Beautiful Zonal Pelargonium

Abba - Zonal pelargonium
Hybridised by the late Mrs Monica Bennett of the UK. the beautiful zonal pelargonium Abba is a quite stunning plant.  The double dark rose pink flowers in large umbels contrast well with the light green leaves.   Abba flowers profusely on strong stems and does not shatter easily.    A cross between Debbie and Blue Spring, Abba was introduced in 1976 and quite likely named after the popular singing group Abba.

This will be my last Blog for 2011 and I wish you all a very happy, and healthy 2012.


  1. Happy New Year Gwen, and thank you for all the beautiful photos this year.

  2. Wow - there are so many lovely pellies. I want them all!!! Think it is good my space is limited...


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