Monday, 10 October 2011

Pink Capitatum - A rose scented reminder of summer

Pink Capitatum

Only mildly smelling of roses, but stunning single pink flowers.  Beautifully marked top petals of pink with the lower three petals of a paler pink shading to white in the centre. Pink Capitatum flowers profusely all summer and is still flowering now due to the mild and sometimes sunny autumn we are having this year.  A very well behaved scented pelargonium which grows well in a large pot, Pink Capitatum is  apparently from Australia and sometimes known as Pink Capricorn.   Pink Capitatum is not to be confused with the species P. capitatum which is a rather sprawling plant.

Pink Capitatum

1 comment:

  1. Podobają mi się jej cieniowane płatki . Pozdrawiam


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