Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Wordless Wednesday 21/09/11 - Warrenorth Rubelite, Coloured Leaf Zonal Pelargonium

Coloured Leaf Zonal Pelargonium - "Warrenorth Rubelite"


  1. I znowu pelargonia, której piękne liście mogą zastąpić kwiaty. Pozdrawiam

  2. You are quite right Giga, sometimes the leaves on the coloured leaf zonals are brighter than the flowers.

  3. Some plant names just cry to be googled - I see it is named after a nursery.

  4. Yes, there was a specialist pelargonium & fuchsia nursery in Sussex called Warrenorth Nursery. Sadly it closed a few years ago. Andrew Simmons, son of the owners, hybrisided a lot of pelargoniums with the prefix "Warrenorth", and the coloured leaf ones are named after precious and semi precious stones.


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