Tuesday 6 February 2018

Dwarf Pelargonium "Grainger's Aralia" and a new Pelargonium website

"Grainger's Aralia"

This is one of my favourite zonal pelargoniums.  Not often seen, Grainger's Aralia has soft peach coloured semi-double flowers.  The leaves are gold with a brown zone.   Raised in Canada by Will Grainger and named for his daughter.

I received an email the other day from Donn Reiners inviting me to take a look at his new website - www.geraniumpage.com   Do take a look, it is the most comprehensive site on pelargoniums I have come across.  All aspects of growing our favourite plants are covered, from potting soils, taking cuttings, growing from seed to shaping for the best effect.    As usual, Donn's photographs in the Photo Library are just beautiful, and there are lots of them, from species to my favourite zonals.  Do take a look: -


  1. Cute, because and the color nice and double petals. Regards.

  2. So pretty colour and shape,really nice pelargonium!

  3. Thanks for the info, I will take a look.

  4. Can I buy these in Australia?

  5. Can I buy these in Australia?


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