Friday, 3 February 2017

Miniature Zonal Pelargonium "Gosbrook Clifford Taylor"

"Gosbrook Clifford Taylor" Miniature zonal pelargonium
Raised by David Taylor, "Gosbrook Clifford Taylor" was introduced through his nursery in 2010.   This is a miniature zonal pelargonium with dark green leaves which have a small bronze zone.  The plant flowers profusely with pale pink double blooms.  Sady Gosbroojk Nursery closed down in 2014, but the plant can be obtained through Fibrex Nurseries UK

This past week has been considerably milder than the first three weeks of the year.   I have not had the heating on at nights recently, but have covered over the plants with fleece as a precaution.   Fleece is taken off during the day to let more light to the plants as I still have bubble wrap up.

On a sad note, the cuttings I took earlier this year and which have been in my small heated propagator have not rooted.  Carefully lifting them from the compost I can see they have rotted at the ends.   This is very odd because the cuttings are still growing.  New growth shoots and new leaves are being produced.  It is very odd.   Maybe it is because he light levels have been very low so far this year . So next week I will be taking a few more cuttings and hope to have better luck with them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that the seedlings do not grow nicely. Flowers are beautiful. Regards.


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