Monday, 22 August 2016

Ashfield Serenade - and Pelargoniums in Sweden

Zonal pelargonium "Ashfield Serenade"

Raised by Keith Kitson and introduced in the UK in 1975. Dark green leaf, lightly zoned. Compact and dense growth, short jointed.

Earlier this month I went to Sweden to stay with Anne Hammarqvist and to visit her local Society's Annual Flower show and sale.  It was a wonderful experience and Anne and all the members of Malardalens Pelargon Vanner made me so very welcome - I felt as if I had known them always.  Thank you all for your friendship and generosity.  Here a some photos I took of the show.



  1. Were you able to bring any plants home on the plane? Or is that forbidden? Amazing how they have a show in summer(we have ours in Spring to accommodate Zonals, Ivies, Angels, Regals, Species plus). And so many all in the same size pots! Was that a rule?

    1. Yes Aprille, I did bring rather a lot of plants/cuttings home. It is not a problem as we are still in the EU. Hope it won't change when we leave! The show was just to show the public the different types of pelargoniums - it wasn't judged. They had different sections for basic zonals, dwarfs, miniatures, coloured leaves, stellars, species, pelargonums bred by their members, and lots of zonartics.

  2. Great show,hope next year to make to one of them.Thanks for photos!


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