Monday, 6 June 2016

Ken Lea - Golden Tri-colour Zonal Pelargonium and My Local Show

"Ken Lea" - Tri-coloured zonal pelargonium

This beautiful  golden tri-coloured zonal pelargonium was raised by Andrew Simmons of the UK and released in 2001.  The semi-double flowers of "Ken Lea" are rose pink set against stunning tri-coloured leaves.  Ken Lea himself used to be a prolific hybridiser of pelargoniums and there are many of his raisings in the National Collection at Fibrex Nurseries

 On Saturday I attended the Pelargonium Show of my local Society - Farnborough Fuchsia & Pelargonium Society.   Here are a few photo's of the show.  Sorry about the quality of the photographs - the hall is a bit dark.

Scented Leaf " Fragrant Frosty"


My Hosta "Fire Island" got a First in the Any non-flowering plant, not a pelargonium section.

This cactus exhibited by Peter Mazillius was "Best In show" in the Any Flowering Plant, not a Pelargonium Section.

1 comment:

  1. Nice show,,pity we do not have many people who grow pellies.


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