Friday, 24 July 2015

"Alan Shellard" - tri- coloured zonal pelargonium

Tri-coloured zonal pelargonium "Alan Shellard"
One  of the nicest of the coloured leaf pelargoniums the tri-coloured zonal “Alan Shellard”.   This has bright double salmon coloured flowers and was introduced by Andrew Simmons in 2008 through Sulman’s Nursery.    Many of you will be familiar with the name Alan Shellard – he was a well known hybridiser himself and the author of two books about growing pelargoniums.   

Alan Shellard’s books  are well worth getting hold of if you can and they are a wealth of useful information.  One is “Geraniums for Home and Garden” and the other, “Growing and Showing Geraniums” is one I refer to fairly often with plenty of information on how to prepare your pelargoniums for the show bench.     You can try the Bookshop of The Pelargonium & Geranium Society – they often have used books for sale, and if there is one you are particularly looking for the Book sales Officer will let you know when he has one available.


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