Saturday, 12 July 2014

Vectis Allure - Stellar Pelargonium

Stellar Pelargonium "Vectis Allure"

"Vectis Allure" is a Stellar type zonal pelargonium.   The single flowers are pink - darker in the centre and fading to a paler pink on the edges.   It was raised by Brian West and is a cross between "Bobberstone" and "Miss McKinley".

I have a soft spot for  "Vectis Allure".  My friend Sandy and I first visited Brian West on the Isle of Wight in 2001  We had a wonderful day and before we left Brian very kindly gave us both a plant of "Vectis Allure". He hesitated before giving us the plants because it was yet to be introduced, but we promised we would just treasure our plants.  Warrenorth Nurseries introduced it the following year.                                            

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