Saturday, 26 July 2014

Deacon Summertime - Dwarf Zonal Pelargonium - and a visit to the National Collection of Pelargoniums

"Deacon Summertime" - dwarf zonal pelargonium
To celebrate the wonderful weather we are having in the UK this year, this is "Deacon Summertime" a dwarf zonal pelargonium and one of a series introduced by the late Rev. Stanley T. Stringer.  Rev. Stringer used both miniature zonal pelargoniums and ivy leaf pelargoniums to produce the Deacon series of dwarf zonal pelargoniums - some 24 in all, all of which are similar to the zonal pelargoniums.   "Deacon  Summertime" has bright orange coloured double blooms with green zoned leaves.  As with all the Deacon series, the flowers are prolifically produced on sturdy well branched plants.

Yesterday I went up to Fibrex Nurseries to meet up with fellow pelargonium enthusiasts and had a wonderful day.  The National Collection of Pelargoniums was looking quite spectacular.  If you have never visited the National of Pelargoniums, then I can definitely recommend it.


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Cuttings started for next year's sales

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