Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Deacon Birthday - dwarf zonal pelargonium

Just one of  twenty-six in the Deacon series by The Rev'd. Stanley Stringer of Suffolk in the 1970's.  They were produced from crosses between ivy-leaf pelargoniums and miniature pelargoniums and introduced through the old Wyck Hill Geranium Nursery.   Many of these dwarf plants are compact and self branching, making them ideal exhibition plants.  Indeed, several of them are still shown on the benches today.

Deacon Birthday was introduced in 1978.  It has double orangey pink flowers merging to white and is most attractive.


  1. Powiększyłam zdjęcie i oglądałam kwiaty z bliska. Są śliczne. Pozdrawiam.
    Photo enlarged flowers and watched closely. They are beautiful. Yours.

  2. Lovely series of plants. So delicate. What are your tips for successful cuttings ? Do you use hormone rooting gel ?

    1. Hi - I use Clonex rooting gel mostly. Cuttings for pelargonioums are best taken early in spring or late summer into early autumn.

  3. I recently reported 2 pelargoniums into a larger pot. They look healthy but not flowering. Any advice please?

    1. They should flower once they have settled into their new pots. Try feeding them a high potash feed - tomato feed is good.


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