Monday, 16 January 2012

Bode's Peppermint - Scented Pelargonium

Bode's Peppermint
I know I've said it before, and I am sure to say it again but - there is nothing like walking into the greenhouse during the cold winter months and brushing past the scented leaf pelargoniums.  They might not have flowers - in fact they shouldn't have really at this time of year, (I always have some, but take care to remove them before they become mouldy with botrytis), but they disperse a really lovely summery scent into the air.

Bode's Peppermint has a pretty pale lilac flower with strong feathered markings on the top two petals.
The leaves are deeply cut and have a strong scent.  Also known as Bode's Peppermint Rose, the plant is a species cross between 'Old Fashioned Rose' and 'Pungent Peppermint' and was introduced by Fred Bode in the USA in 1955.

I have to admit, I don't have Bode's Peppermint, and my photograph was taken at the National Collection of Pelargoniums held at Fibrex Nursery in Warwickshire.    


  1. I love scented pellies. They are one of my favorite plants to grow.

  2. Nie dość, że śliczna to jeszcze pachnąca - wspaniałe. Pozdrawiam.

  3. Hello Alicea, As I said, I don't have this particular scented pelargonium. I will see if I can get a cutting from the National Collection. Will p.m. you if I do get it.


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