Monday, 21 February 2011

Butterfly Brian West & ducking and diving

Butterfly Brian West

Butterfly Brian West leaves

Butterfly Brian West is a dwarf stellar type pelargonium and is a sport found by Andrew Simmons on his miniature silver leaf stellar that he had named for Brian West.  The growth habbit of this plant is much stronger, but it does have the same beautiful double blooms of dark pink fading to a white eye.   The butterfly in the name refers to the butterfly shaped pale blotch in the centre of the leaf.   The plant is sometimes referred to as Brian West Butterfly.

We have a small pond in our garden and last September on our return from France we found a heron helping itself to a rather expensive fish snack.  It was our fault as we had forgotten to make sure the cane and net cover was completely over the pond before we left.  Fearing that there were no more fish left as the heron had had a fortnight of snacking we decided that we would leave the pond and give it a good clear out in the summer.  We were surprised to notice a couple of weeks ago that there are still two fish left - at least there were.  Yesterday we found this pair of mallards swimming and diving on the pond.  We usually do have a pair visit us each spring. They fly in from the village pond, and they never stay long, just long enough for a stroll around the lawn and borders and then they fly off.


  1. Your pelargoniums are beautiful. I love them too, and grow quite a few as perennials.

  2. I don't think the ducks will eat your fish


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