Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Regal Pelargonium "Marie Rudling" and Adelaide Botanical Gardens

"Marie Rudling" - Regal Pelargonium
I spotted this at the Show in Adelaide when I was there in October.     The dark colours really caught my eye on the sales bench.  I can't find out anything about this Regal Pelargonium and I would be grateful if one of my Australian readers would let me know if they know the history of it.

My last visit to Adelaide Botanical gardens was on my very first trip to Australia in 1988. When my sister suggested a visit there on my recent trip I readily agreed.  I can't say I remember very much about it, but one or two places seemed familiar.    Our main reason for visiting was to see the Wisteria Arch which was in full flower.  I hope you agree, it did look magnificent.

 The Water Lily House

I remember this glass monument made from sheets of glass and situated in front of the large tropical glasshouse

The tropical Glasshouse.  I was quite disappointed in this, but perhaps I was there at the wrong time of year.  

This is Grevillea "Peaches and Cream" growing outside the glasshouse

 A pretty glad with a monument to the Brownies

Close-up of the Brownie monument

 This wrought iron arbour was erected in memory of Elvis Presley

I loved the bark on this tree 

I couldn't resist  a couple of photo's of the bark

 Succulent and Cacti Glasshouse

Sophie in the Grotto

Can you spot the lizard?

Sophie demonstrating how large the roots are on this Morton Bay Fig



  1. Wonderful photos Gwen
    I would love to see the Wisteria Arch

  2. Wisteria Arch is wonderful, but the whole garden is wonderful. Merry Christmas.


I would love to hear your comments about my "ramblings".