Sunday, 8 November 2015

Regal Pelargonium "Georgia Peach"

"Georgia Peach" - Regal Pelargonium

 “Georgia Peach”.     Surely there is no one who cannot love the delicate colour of this Regal Pelargonium?    Introduced in the USA by Wm Schmidt in 1969.  There are seven pale peach petals, and is said to look particularly good under electric light for cut flower work.  Dark green leaves.

Here in the UK the weather has been damp and blustery, but still mild, so no need for heaters yet.   I open the greenhouse doors daily, but now we have moved the hour back, it gets darker earlier so the doors are closed mid-afternoon usually.  We had one very wet day with heavy rain and high winds, so the doors remained firmly shut for that day.   

1 comment:

  1. Nice written!! I have been a big fan of your blogs. thanks


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