Friday, 6 May 2011

Pelargonium Petite Blanche and a Dorset garden visit

Zonal Pelargonium Petite Blanche
Petite Blanche is not seen much these days, but I love it for its femininity.  Very unusual and pretty double flower heads of both pink and white on the same stem.  This is a zonal pelargonium, with a very feint zone on the green leaves. Petite Blanche was introduced by Greybridge Nurseries in the UK in 1978.

We went to Bournemouth for a few days earlier in the week to celebrate the wedding anniversary of Brian's cousin Sue and her husband Malcolm.   One of the places we visited was Compton Acres.  This is a privately owned garden, open to the public, which was created by Thomas William Simpson in the 1920's.    

The Grand Italian Garden

The Rock Garden

A great combination of tightly packed Bellis with Tulips
View to the Heather Garden
Views across to Brownsea Island on right and Purbeck Hills on left
I loved this cheeky Dragon 'guarding' the Japanese Garden

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